Electrical – STM32 FSMC/FMC and DS90CR285


I don't want to use an FPGA.

I need to quickly put together a prototype that will relay DCMI data (small resolution camera sensor) to DS90CR285. Here performance doesn't matter that much – later it will be deployed on an FPGA anyway. However before that I wanted to fiddle around with this LVDS driver.

In your opinion is it possible to use FSMC/FMC hardware inside STM32F4 series chips to drive DS90CR285 or is it a complete waste of time?

The way I see it – the chip can be treated as an LCD display with some customisations on the way.

LVDS must comply with Camera Link protocol in base configuration. Transfers are 12-bit so the overall speed is 115200 Bps.

My question is for those who are familiar with STM's FSMC/FMC behaviour when used in this fashion.

DS90CR285 datasheet

STM32F427 datasheet

Best Answer

A display link like that is inherently both very parallel and very high rate. A serial to parallel converter doesn't change the bandwidth requirements, and most display won't let you just send data in as slowly as you want.

What would you do with whatever you transmit/receive inside an Cortex-M4, anyway? It's not like a single picture is likely to even fit into RAM.

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