Electrical – STM32: Is SWDIO pull-up required on the board


One section of the STM32L431 manual (46.4 Pinout and debug port pins) says:

To avoid any uncontrolled I/O levels, the device embeds internal pull-ups and pull-downs on the JTAG input pins:

  • JTMS/SWDIO: internal pull-up

In another section (46.8 debug port), it says:

For SWDIO bidirectional management, the line must be pulled-up on the board (100 kOhm recommended by ARM).

Are both of these statements correct? How can this be?

People seem to be getting other ARMs working without an external pullup on SWDIO but my STM32 isn't working so I'm trying to narrow down the cause.

Best Answer

It is inconsistent. However the recommendation from ARM may be copied directly, as it does not assume that there would be internal pull-up on the SWDIO pin, but ST put an internal pull-up.

More than often it reads that the internal pull resistors on JTAG/SWD port eliminates the need for external resistors.

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