Electrical – STM8S I2C Master Missing ACK


I use I2C communication with two stm8s boards.

My master code:

I2C_Send7bitAddress(0x30, I2C_DIRECTION_TX);

My slave address is 0x30. I send 0x61.
I analyzed stm8s master board with ossiloscope. I see from lister:


Data: anything

Missing ACK: X(with red background)

My signal from master board with stm8s:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

what could be the problem for missing ack? And, is it true address and data values? Thank you!


My master arduino code:

Wire.beginTransmission(0x30); // transmit to device 0x30
Wire.write(0x61);              // sends one byte
Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

And this picture from master arduino code with ossiloscope:
enter image description here

Here, adress is 30W, but adress of my stm8s master code is 30R.
I changed this line of the stm8s master code:

I2C_Send7bitAddress(0x30, I2C_DIRECTION_RX); 
//I2C_Send7bitAddress(0x30, I2C_DIRECTION_TX);

But adress is still 30R.

code of this line:

  * @brief  Transmits the 7-bit address (to select the) slave device.
  * @param   Address : Specifies the slave address which will be transmitted.
  * @param   Direction : Specifies whether the I2C device will be a Transmitter or a Receiver.
  * This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_Direction_TypeDef enumeration.
  * @retval None
void I2C_Send7bitAddress(uint8_t Address, I2C_Direction_TypeDef Direction)
  /* Check function parameters */

  /* Clear bit0 (direction) just in case */
  Address &= (uint8_t)0xFE;

  /* Send the Address + Direction */
  I2C->DR = (uint8_t)(Address | (uint8_t)Direction);


  * @brief  I2C transfer direction
  * Warning: the values correspond to the ADD0 bit position in the OARL register
typedef enum
  I2C_DIRECTION_TX = (uint8_t)0x00,  /*!< Transmission direction */
  I2C_DIRECTION_RX = (uint8_t)0x01   /*!< Reception direction */
} I2C_Direction_TypeDef;

I changed my stm8s I2C master code:

I2C_Send7bitAddress(0x30, I2C_DIRECTION_TX);
I2C_SendData(0x60); //I have no idea, i tried it and works for write/read selection
I2C_SendData(0x61); //my send data

Adress is 30W, now. It is true because i want to write to slave. Then, I saw this signal from ossiloscope:

enter image description here

This signal is same with Arduino master transmitter.

But, I can't see signal of the data. What could be the reason for this? Missing ACK or another thing? I don't know, but data signal is no of the arduino signal. Missing ACK?

Thank you!

Best Answer

There are two standard formats for 7-bit I2C addresses -- 0x7F and 0xFE. It looks like I2C_Send7bitAddress() expects 0xFE format. If your actual slave address is 0x30, try sending 0x60 (which is 0x30 << 1) and see if that works.

The reason for the 0xFE format is that it lets you treat the read/write direction bit as part of the slave address, giving an 8-bit value. That's what you actually see on the bus.