Electrical – switch for AC voltage


I am designing a switch for AC circuit. E.g. when I apply a small DC voltage, AC current is allowed to conduct, otherwise there is huge resitance stop the current from flowing.

I found 2 possible solutions on the web. TRIAC or 2 opposite MOSFET in series. But the problem is: the AC voltage is floating, it is not grounded. Its a AC wave produced from H bridge from another DC source. (which use the same ground as the small DC voltage to control the AC current). E.g. I cannot define the gate voltage correctly.

Does anyone know how to achieve the control? Thanks

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Best Answer

When I need to switch an AC load the first thing I do is look for an appropriate SSR. They are easy to use and pretty robust. They switch from a low voltage DC source and generally only take a few milliamps to turn on. Another bonus is that they come in a tons of packages ranging from tens of milliamps to hundreds of amps. Digikey has a wide selection of SSR to choose from. If you are looking for high current ones I suggest filtering the product search for chassis mount packages.

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