Electrical – Switch Using PMOS transistor


People, I have very basic question on 'How to make a switch using a PMOS' transistor.

Following are the specifications:
Drain – Output Pin
Source – 4.2V (From Lithium-ion Battery)
Gate – 3.3V / OV (Control Pin)

I am using NDS8434 PMOS. Gate threshold for this is less than -1V.

Ideally, if I am connecting Gate to 3.3V then PMOS should be OFF and when I am connecting 0V then PMOS should be ON, But this is not the case?

Best Answer

You need to level shift your 3.3V to 4.2V to use a pmos device use a circuit like this.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Note The polarity of the input is changed the pmos transistor will be on when the input is high.

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