Electrical – Switching a resistor ladder


Can anyone suggest how i could switch this resistor ladder with the smallest possible footprint. I was looking up analog switches but not sure if thats the right way to go.enter image description here

enter image description here
The circuit tells an ecu what speed to run the engine at, and states the resistor tolerance at 5%. I am looking to control this circuit with an mcu and would like suggestions of what sort of IC could be used as a switch. it would have to have a low Ron (6ohm) to keep in spec with resistor tolerance.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I am looking to control this circuit with an mcu and would like suggestions of what sort of IC could be used as a switch

In this case your best bet would be to use digital POT, something like MCP4141 or AD7376. This one chip alone will replace all the resistors and switches and is extremely easy to control by MCU, with probably the smallest footprint possible.

For non-MCU control there are hundreds of miniature rotary switches available dirt cheap.