Electrical – UHF Band-pass Filter – Is it bidirectional? SMA connector convention


I have this 1090MHz Band-pass SMA Filter. It did not ship with a datasheet.

Is such a device bidirectional? i.e. is there an in and out? Is there a directional convention using SMA male and female connectors?

I have a collection of SMA adapters and am confused with the combinations of male and female barrels each with both male or female cores.

Thank you.

Best Answer

The filter is not directional. Passive filters are inherently reversible, though not always cascadable.

The different connectors on either end do not imply any particular direction, they are simply to allow the filter to be dropped in at the end of a cable as a bolt-on, often as part of troubleshooting.

Male is the connector with the pin in the middle.

If you are only using it to try and listen in to some transponder signals while you are on the ground, then this will work fine. ADS-B usually has quite a generous link budget owing to the massive Tx power of the transmitters.