Electrical – VHDL: A function to determine array length


SOLVED!!! I'll leeave the questions, see below for the solution.

In a VHDL project, I want to initialized an array that have a certain dimension, and I want this dimension is derived by a function. Here is a minimal implementation that show what I want to do:

library IEEE;

use work.arrayout_type.all;

entity minimal is
  Port (
        a : in std_logic;
        b : out std_logic
end minimal;

architecture Behavioral of minimal is
variable dimension : integer;
dimension := calc_adder_length(M);
type array_intern is array (dimension-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(M+N-1 downto 0);


end Behavioral;

Here is the package (I edited the message and I included the two separate package in a unique package) :

library IEEE;                                                                                                                                   

package arrayout_type is
    constant N : integer := 8; -- first member is N bit long
    constant M : integer :=4; -- second member is M bit long
-- declaration of a TYPE of an array of M element, each element is a signal that is the output of the M shifters and the M-1 adders
    type array_out is array (M-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(M+N-1 downto 0);

end arrayout_type;

package body arrayout_type is
    -- calcluate the number of internal signal for the adders. Function body.
        function calc_adder_length (x : integer) return integer is
        variable number : integer;
        variable accumulator : integer;
        number := x;
        accumulator :=x;
        while(number > 1) loop
            if(number mod 2 /= 0) then
                number := number/2+1;
                number := number/2;
            end if;
            accumulator := accumulator + number;
        end loop;
        accumulator := accumulator +1; -- finalization.
        return accumulator;
        end calc_adder_length;

end arrayout_type;

The problem is, of course, that I cannot call the program in the architecture body before the "begin". But at the same time I cannot declare the array_intern in the architeture after the "begin". So I don't know how to do.

Best Answer

SOLUTION: I found the solution to my problem in this another question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20072851/how-to-use-a-constant-calculated-from-generic-parameter-in-a-port-declaration-in

So, applying the solution to my code, the "minimal.vhd" become :

library IEEE;

use work.arrayout_type.all;

entity minimal is
  Port (
        a : in std_logic;
        b : out std_logic
end minimal;

architecture Behavioral of minimal is
type array_intern is array (calc_adder_length(M)-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(M+N-1 downto 0);


end Behavioral;

That is syntetizable.

Hope it can be usefull for someone, and thanks to the author of the solution in the linked question

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