Electrical – Voltage spikes with ZVS full bridge


I am designing a DC/DC converter. I chose the fullbridge topology.
The requirements are as follows:

  • Vin = 75 – 125 Vdc
  • Vout = 200V
  • P = 600W
  • Fs = 100 Khz

The basic schematic is as follows:
DC/DC schematic

I use ZVS for soft switching. The problem is the big spike in the Vds on the MOSFETs.

Vds M2 and M4
The image above shows the Vds on the down MOSFETs and the Vgs for all MOSFETs.

  • signal A is the up – left mosfet
  • signal B is up – right mosfet
  • signal C is down – left mosfet
  • the signal D is down – right mosfet

I see that the voltage spike is generated in right leg transition (when D switch is falling). The same spike occurs on the primary current. Why does it occur? Is the problem in the primary or secondary?

I provide a large time for discharging the parasitic capacitances (over 400ns). Which components oscillate in my design?

Best Answer

From your waveforms, it seems that the current through M4 M8 pair (right lower MOSFETs) is not zero at the time they stop conducting. This current (and the energy related to it) excites some oscillations. It is not important where they happen; it is the non-zero current that causes problem.

You can use current transformers (ferrite rings with ~100 turns winding, the latest loaded to few Ohms resistor, the ring is placed over the high current wire) to see what currents do you have.

And my last question is: why do you expect ZVS conditions for this circuit? I did not simulate it, but it is not obvious it works in ZVS mode.

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