Electrical – Why are shunt resistors in BLDC motor drivers placed betweent MOSFETs and ground and not MOSFETs and the motor


In all projects like that I found and in the application note of DRV8302 the shunt resistors for current measurement are placed on the ground connection of the transistors. Why not place them in between them and the motor, so that they could be used to precisely measure current in both ways?

A followup question:
When using a hall-based current sensor does it make sense to place it on the motor side? It is galvanically isolated so ground referencing shouldn't make a difference.

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. H-bridge output stage showing feedback for first channel.

As can be seen from the sketch, ground referencing the current monitor makes it very easy to monitor the signals. They will be low voltages and easy to amplify, manipulate or feed into an ADC.

The alternative of high-side current monitoring requires differential amplifiers, high-voltage protection and possibly opto-isolation. While it may be do-able, it's more complex.

Data sheet page 4 says, "Input of current amplifier 1 (connecting to positive input of amplifier). Recommend to connect to ground side of the sense resistor for the best commom mode rejection."

I can't quite make out from the data sheet what the max voltage is for SN1, 2 and 3 but a lot of the analogs seem to be 7 V max.