Electrical – Why does antenna length have to be at wavelength


Resonance occurs when capacitive and inductive reactances overcome each other. Thus is the familiar resonance frequency equation:

enter image description here

As the frequency gets lower, the antenna gets longer. But if this is only for making the antenna resonant with the selected frequency, why do we not simply add more capacitance (some metal balls or some conductor with volume) to the ends of a shorter wire to make it resonant with a low frequency instead of making it 6 meters long? Like this:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Only a full wave antenne length will create an optimal radiation pattern. You can play with the antenne length by adding capacitors or inductors but at the same time you do no longer create an optimal radiation pattern.

In many situations you have to use capacitors and/ or inductors to reach the goals you have set. For instance if you want to create a multi band antenna. This kind of antenna is in frequent use with radio amateurs.

The picture shows you a multi band antenna where resonance has been reached by introducing tuning elements.

enter image description here

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