Electrical – why inductor come first in low pass filter and resistor come first in high pass filter in RL filters?

filterhigh pass filterlow passpassive-filterphysics

why inductor come first in low pass filter and resistor come first in high pass filter in RL filters ?

any link or sources

please explain in detail
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Best Answer

When a DC signal (i.e. low frequency) hits a capacitor it is as if it is an open circuit. If an ac (high frequency) hits a capacitor it is as if it is a short circuit.

The opposite happens with an inductor.

Now, consider each circuit what happens with a high or low frequency signal. Short circuit if it is:

high frequency and capacitor Low frequency and Inductor

open circuit if: high frequency and inductor low frequency and capacitor.

It is quite clear when doing this why each circuit acts the way it does.