Electrical – Won’t a potentiometer powered by a dc supply cause a short-circuit at lower end of the range


Many tutorials in the Arduino or Raspberry Pi community simulate an analog sensor with a potentiometer. The potentiometer, being a passive device, is powered from the same DC power source that supplies the microcomputer. Usually, the +5V (or +3.3V) and GND pins on the Arduino or Pi are used for this purpose.

This doesn't seem safe to me. Suppose we turn the potentiometer all the way down in this configuration. The resistance should be 0 Ohms and that should short the DC power supply. Yet, this is just what many tutorials like this one here recommend: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-use-Potentiometer-Arduino-Tutorial/

How come? I always include a resistor in series with the potentiometer to avoid this situation but no one else seems to think this necessary. Thanks in advance for any help.

Best Answer

A potentiometer has three terminals. The two extremes of the resistive element and the central wiper.

The resistive element always has the same resistance. So it is safe to connect those two extremes to the power supply.

That way the wiper will change the voltage continuously from the supply to ground.