Electronic – 2 LED Parallel circuit help


I need to make a circuit with 2 leds, 1 green 1 red.

enter image description here

If the current flows, green led will light up, if there is a break in the circuit (open circuit) it will light up another led as red. I don't know how to add the red led and make it light up when both switches in parallel are off. I have no clue how to do this without using a 3rd switch that says close if both switches are open. Help? I've heard of mosfets and spdt but I don't understand them. If someone could draw a beginner schematic it would be great.

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The red led has 1.4V forward voltage drop while the green one has 2.2V. When the red one is on, the green one will not have enough voltage drop and will be very dim.


simulate this circuit

If you want to turn off the green led completely off, you can use a MOSFET switch like this.