Soft Latching Switch – 3V Soft Latching Switch


I apologize if this has been asked before but the answers I found are all over the top for this simple latching application.

I'm looking for a very compact solution:
1) 4.5 volt dc, 3 stacked hearing-aid like batteries.
2) Single 2.xV LED load
3) Push button actuation; push once & release = on; push once again & release = off
4) Soft latching; no power consumption when off.

I'd think something like this should be no more than 4-5 component, not counting the batteries, switch, and led.

A nice to have would be a single chip based solution with (or w/o) switch de-bounce.

I'm somewhat amazed these are not a dime a dozen solutions out there to be found.

Any suggestions?

Much thanks.

4.5V, 3 stacked hearing aid batteries offers meany more LED options @ ~ 20mA.

Hoping to stick with a soft latch technology t minimize the switch physical footprint.

A resister and toggle button does not satisfy the requirement.

No programming required preferred.

Best Answer

Single pole, push-to-on / push-to-off micro switches are readily available.