Electronic – 433MHz RF transmission only working when holding usb cable in the air


I'm really puzzled about this. I have a simple transmission between two ATTiny85's going on with a 433MHz receiver and transmitter.
The transmitter is in the basement so the signal is rather weak but here is weird thing.
If I hold my USB to TTL cable, that connects the ATTiny to my PC, at a higher position like shown in image #1 I get a steady stream from my transmitter down stairs.

If I put the cable down (touching the cable isolation makes no difference) like shown in image #2 I get no signal AT ALL. Just nothing. I could repeat this behavior several times.

I really don't know much about antennas and radio transmission so this doesn't make sense to me in any way. I guess he USB cable must act as some sort of antenna/repeater but how? It only provides 5v power to the receiver and ATTiny and reads the serial output from the tiny.

High-res: http://i.imgur.com/mmH910U.jpg
Image #1
High-res: http://i.imgur.com/y6fIKOo.jpg
Image #2

Best Answer

Yup, all those dangling wires are part of the overall antenna system.

At 434 MHz, half a wavelength is less than 14 inches, or just a little more than a foot. Anything approaching that size makes it no longer a lumped system, so the usual simplifications of this wire connects that signal to here no longer apply blindly.

Your RF receiver ultimately sees whatever signal is different between its antenna input and its ground connection. From the RF point of view, it doesn't really matter whether you think of most of the signal being on the antenna or the ground. Those long wires to your USB converter are acting as antennas, particularly the "ground" wire. Note that ground is actually a rather complicated subject when you don't have a lumped system anymore.