Electronic – 555 Timer with a 50% duty cycle


I'm trying to build a 555 timer with a 50% duty cycle.

I followed the instructions given here (pg 12).

I used a 470 microfarad capacitor, 150 ohm resistor and a kohm resistor. The output voltage is always low.

I've attached an image of my current circuit and would appreciate it if someone could pinpoint what I'm doing wrong.

enter image description here

Best Answer

If you need an accurate 50% duty cycle, a simple 555 circuit is not the way to go. A better method is to have an oscillator run at double frequency, where duty cycle is unimportant. Then feed that signal in a divide-by-two circuit and you'll have a perfect 50% duty cycle.

A simple divider can be made using a JK-flip flop where the J and K are high, like in this circuit:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

There are countless ways to create a 2-divider, all with their own advantages and disadvantages. A simple Google image search will give you pages full of them.