Electronic – 7-segment output: 4-6V, LCD input: 3-5V. How to convert

7segmentdisplaycharacter-lcdvoltage divider


I am thinking of using a chip that gives out 4-6V on 7-segment output
pins but the LCD only wants 3-5V input, so I need to convert somehow.

The display is a TN type, drawing virtually no current.
The LCD data specification is tiny and poor and does not
actually mention current consumption, but a similar device's
spec mention max 2 µA/cm2, and the screen is 4 cm2.
Since that is for the whole device, it is approximately 0.3µA per pin
(8µA / (4*7)). (Are my assumptions flawed here?)

The solution have to be cheap since it should be applied to 25 individual
pins, and also preferably also not take up a lot of space.
One obvious, simple solution is to use a resistor voltage divider (10k +
47k would transform to 3.3-4.9V).

Do I have any other option?

My first thought was to put a diode (or two) in series, but that will
not work because the voltage drop over the diode will not be that great for so low currents, right?

Since the LCD will draw so little current, would there be any problem
using 100k + 470k instead of 10k + 47k?

Or can I just skip doing anything and feed the signals directly to the LCD, hoping it will be ok?

Project details:

Building a combined voltmeter/ampere meter similar to this and this, but using an ICL7106 instead of ICL7107.

Device specs: ICL7106, display (similar display).

Best Answer

If the LCD is the "wide voltage" version which can handle up to 5V, simply run both the LCD and the positive rail of the ADC from 5V.

If it's the 3V version, then this is probably not a good idea (although the LCD datasheet is typically unhelpful on range/abs max details) and either dropping the ADC positive rail to 3V (if possible, I haven't checked the datasheet to see if this is in spec) or changing ADC to a lower voltage version would be options.
The other option as you mention is to use voltage dividers (or level shifter ICs, etc) on the outputs of the ADC to drop the 0-5V down to 0-3V. This is cheap and easy but will add a lot of components to your board.

Unless you are absolutely stuck on using this LCD and ADC combo, I would probably look at making the LCD and ADC run from the same rail (i.e. swapping one or both if necessary)