Electronic – 8b10b encoding: Calculating running disparity for multiple words


I am designing a 8b10b encoder in SystemVerilog. The circuit has the ability to encode 1-16 bytes (8 bits/byte) in a single clock cycle.

I have a question regarding calculating the running disparity (RD), which is a single bit output. I understand it represents the difference between no. of ones – no. of zeros in a bit stream. Neutral disparity implies difference is 0.

The calculation is straightforward when the input is a single byte. But if I have 3 bytes to encode at once, how do I go about calculating RD?

  1. First, I encode each byte separate to form a 30b output.

  2. Do I take the 30b (3×10) encoded output and calculate RD, i.e., RD(out[29:0])?


  1. Do I calculate RD(out[9:0]), RD(out[19:10]), and RD(out[29:20]) separately and then decide whether to maintain or invert current RD?


Best Answer

I found an answer in this paper on page 10/11.


Running disparity is calculated at byte level and chained together. With some more sophisticated logic, the 'chaining' behavior can be short circuited.