Electronic – a 4-wire voltage measurement

multimeterprecisionvoltage measurement

I am working with a Fluke 8508A, an 8.5-digit table-top multimeter. To my surprise, one of the menu options is a 4-wire DC voltage measurement.

I know how 4-wire resistance measurements work, but I am at a loss how a 4-wire voltage measurement would be beneficial. Does it give higher precision, and if so, how?

Best Answer

From page 3-5 (thanks) "4wV Allows operation with calibrators which provide a remote 4 wire sensing capability by providing connections between INPUT HI and SENSE HI and between INPUT LO and SENSE LO. The 4wV annunciator in the left-hand display indicates that 4-wire sensing is active."

I'm going to guess it's similar as remote sensing on a DC power supply. When you want to exclude the voltage drop along the wires. So very similar to 4-wire resistance.