Bluetooth – Typical Duty Cycle for Bluetooth Headsets Playing Music


When conducting SAR testing for Bluetooth headsets/earbuds, multiple tests are typically carried out using different types of modulation, all at a “worst case” i.e. duty cycle of 100%

What is a typical duty cycle when e.g. playing high quality aac encoded music or so, with both devices well within range. I am just looking for a ballpark figure.

Best Answer

This is the RX bandwidth very rough estimate: We have to assume few assumptions:

  1. AAC bitrate is 128Kbps
  2. Bluetooth 5 is used.

Bluetooth 5 datarate can be anywhere from 250Kbps to 50Mbps. Lets pick a reasonable 2Mbps, that gives a rough duty cycle of 12.5%. Actual duty cycle will be higher (protocol overhead, network overhead).

TX Bandwidth will be lower than that, it is mainly control and network management frames. Usual keep alive period for a BT device is 1 sec, but it is highly dependent on the device and power saving settings.