Electronic – AC current sensing using micro-controller and suitable circuit


I'm working on the project in which I need to measure AC current. The main problem I am facing is small current amplitude. I have to obtain the current waveform(I need complete waveform not just RMS value) of amplitude ranging from 100\$\mu\$A to 600mA and frequency ranging from 500Hz to 10KHz. But, I can't afford to have voltage drop more than 4V across sensing resistor. Do I have to use relays and set of different sensing resistors? Any other better alternatives to relays?

Best Answer

If you have two ADC channels avalable you could run a scheme like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

This avoids switching and allows you to have options on your dynamic range.

If you only have one ADC channel you can get an analog mux and use it to select between the low and high gain and that way you don't have to do anything to your sensitive current signal.