Electronic – Accuracy problem of a DDS at very low frequencies


First time in my life I'm using this DDS chip (AD9850) to create sine wave at a desired freq, where I upload the lookup table code and the desired freq. command via a with micro-controller. So my knowledge at the moment very limited.

The thing seems fine so far but the problem is at very low frequencies. At 1Hz and even 0.5Hz seems fine. But I also need down to 0.1Hz.

Here is the output of DDS when I send the number 0.1 to the DDS via the micro controller:

enter image description here

In my code I send the command from PC to micro as string and convert it to double.
But for simplicity and to verify I use this code, and for 0.1Hz I set sendFrequency(0.1) in the loop.

But as you see the period is around 11.5 sec instead of 10 sec for 0.1Hz command.

I hope I could explain the issue well. Is there a way to calibrate or fine-tune this so that I would have more accurate result? Or I should live with the accuracy? Btw where in the data sheet one can refer to such relative uncertainty?

Best Answer

It's not an accuracy thing- it's resolution.

The front of the data sheet specifies tuning resolution of 0.0291Hz with a 125MHz clock.

\$0.0291 \approx \dfrac{125\times 10^{6}}{2^{32}}\$ Hz (since the phase accumulator is 32 bits)

So that's about 30% of your desired output frequency. That comes from the result of adding the LSB of the tuning word to the phase accumulator at 125MHz- for a given clock frequency, it's inherent to the chip and the number of bits they chose for the phase accumulator and tuning word.

You can try reducing the clock frequency- the minimum is 1MHz so you should be able to improve the resolution by more than two orders of magnitude, to around +/-0.23% at 0.1Hz.

\$0.23\times 10^{-3} \approx \dfrac{1\times 10^{6}}{2^{32}}\$ Hz resolution with a 1MHz clock

Unfortunately, other things are going to have to change for optimal performance (especially the output filter- which is typically a 7th order elliptical LC filter on these modules).

If you never need to go above, say, 1Hz, you can simply add an RC filter with a cutoff of, say, 100Hz to the existing output and it will be acceptable for many purposes.

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