Electronic – ADC problem with ATMEGA32 using external clock more than 8MHz


My code is supposed to check a 50Hz signal with AVR ATMEGA32's ADC. It works at 6MHz with an external clock in both real and simulator. But when I use a 12MHz external clock the ADC doesn't work well at all in real and it almost missed the AC signals.

When I use the simulator, it's perfect but in real it's not.. I have set the fuse bit and I turn the ADC on and off before any reading.

Any idea? thx

Best Answer

You might need to slow down the ADC. The analog to digital converter runs at half the system clock frequency by default so at 6MHz the ADC's input clock is at 3MHz. Setting ADCSRA |= 2 (for the ATmega328, datasheet section 23.9.2, page 265) divides the clock by 4 instead of by 2. 12MHz / 4 = 6MHz / 2 = 3MHz.