Electronic – ADC resolution selection


I want to convert analog output of an accelerometer to digital codes.

I understand that the sampling rate of the ADC should be with reference to Nyquist criteria.

Please let me know how to decide on the resolution needed.

Best Answer

Noise is the determining factor.

You first must start with the noise level of what your Accelerometer + Amplifier puts out, lets call this N for noise. Then you need to find what your accelerometer puts out at it's maximum, we will assume that this will be some RMS value and call it S for signal.

Your SNR (signal to noise ratio) \$=\frac{S}{N}\$

The base number of Bits you need is \$ B = log_2(SNR)\$

But this is not sufficient as the ADC will have some inherent noise itself. to ensure that the ADC noise does not interfere, or to put it another way , to ensure that the ADC noise does not factor into the signal you must ensure that the resolution is greater than the B value calculated above. For a very strict definition the noise from the ADC should be 10% of the signal noise but you may find that 25% is adequate.

In your ADC data sheet you'll find a number called ENOB (Effective number of bits).

In the 10% case:

ENOB > B + \$log_2(10)\$ > B + 3.32

In the 25% case:

ENOB > B + \$log_2(4)\$ > B + 2

Next you have to scale the output of your accelerometer and buffer amplifier so that the max of is a little less than the maximum of what the ADC can handle (again from the datasheet).

If you have matched the ENOB and the scale then everything else is taken care of.