Electronic – All Pass Filter


Consider the next transfer function:

$$H(z) = \frac{b+z^{-1}}{1-az^{-1}}$$

where \$a\$ is a real number and \$|a| < 1\$.

My intention is to make an all pass filter, for that I need to determine for what value or values of \$b\$, such that the frequency response \$He^{iω}\$ satisfies the condition \$| H (e^{iω}) | = 1\$.

Best Answer

Not sure if this is homework, so a few hints:

  • write out the magnitude of H(z) using $$|H(z)|=\sqrt{\text{Re}(H(z))^2+\text{Im}(H(z))^2}$$
  • if you can prove you cannot find any combination of \$a\$ and \$b\$ for which every (dependancy of) \$z\$ is eliminated, then $$|H(z)|\neq 1 $$

Examples of 'proves'

  • you can prove you cannot eliminate variable \$z\$ in \$H(z)=a+z\$ for any value of a
  • you can prove you can eliminate variable \$z\$ in \$H(z)=az+b\$ for a combination of \$a\$ and \$b\$ (you set \$a=0\$)