Electronic – Altera DE1-SoC Diagram


In this link is a description of the Altera DE1-SoC kit, and the bottom of the page shows the diagram of the SoC-FPGA chip. It shows some peripherals are connected to the FPGA and other are connected to the HPS. The question is, Does that implies that peripherals connected to the HPS I can't use them with the FPGA and vice versa ?

Best Answer

Yes you can. This is simply an FPGA with a hardware ARM core instead of a soft ARM core (as the one you might want to instantiate in a regular FPGA). The hardware ARM core is connected internally to the FPGA logic through a high bandwidth interconnect Backbone. Here you can read a more detailed explanation: http://www.altera.com/devices/fpga/cyclone-v-fpgas/hard-processor-system/cyv-soc-hps.html