Electronic – Altium : Bill of materials organization


Is there a way to get one component per line in the bill of material ?
For example, currently I have two different designator who have same value and they share the same line. I would like to get one designator per line.

Anybody know how to make this ?

Currently I have my bill of material as below and as you can see this is a bit mess up. I don't know why Altium is displaying this way ? Why it doesn't separate them ?
enter image description here

Best Answer

They are grouped by Comment and Footprint.

It really looks like you just edited the description on one 0.47 μF to be 0.1 μF (or comment the other way), rather than also changing the description and value tags. I find it's a better way of working to actually replace one with another, as this avoids this kind of hassle.

You can change the grouping (by comment or value in stead of description) and that makes more sense in several occasions, or even turn off all the grouping. In case your Fab needs an itemised list with location and rotation for each component, for example. But it seems you have a whole different issue, that may keep popping up in unpredictable ways, until you actually fix the offending component, rather than fixing one symptom at a time.