Electronic – Altium designer transfer to pcb issue


I designing a pcb with 14 sheets in hierarchical option. While transfering my components to the PCB doc I get an error sign in some net names without error messages! With that error I get "failed to add class member" error in all sheets and in all signal harnesses.

The second issue that I encountered is in Engineering Change Order when I import the objects and executing. After it, when trying to import the same objects again, without change anything to pcb, some of the objects appear again and still remain in Engineering Change Order, I don't see the expected "no differences detected" message. This disturbs me and I'm afraid for PCB design.

My project, compiled successfully.

Best Answer

The messages should point to specific parts in your schematic. Click on the message and you'll see more in the bottom of the pane. I think "failed to add class member" is usually about parts not having footprints assigned. Project->Component Links... is often the other place to resolve ECO issues having to do with reference designator problems.