Electronic – Altium error: “Could not find closed shape” when creating region from primitives


I have imported a dxf onto mechanical layers, and want to use this to create the pads for a component footprint.

My approach is to select the whole outline of the would-be-pad on the mechanical layer, use "Tools -> Convert -> Create region from selected primitives", change the region's layer to the top layer, and then place a pad inside the region to assign the designator.

When I click "Tools -> Convert -> Create region from selected primitives" I get the error message:

"Could not find closed shape using primitives centerline due to the following error:
Multiple paths found from location: (-0.15, 0.15)
Would you like to try finding closed shape using primitives external edges instead?"

enter image description here

I have checked the position of (-0.15, 0.15) and it is a point where an arc meets a line. There appears to be no overlap and no duplicates at this point.

I am using Altium Designer v15.1.

Edit: This is what it looks like when I select the area around (-0.15, 0.15).
enter image description here

Best Answer

This confirmation message appears when the shape has ambiguities. E.g. it happens if an arc meets a line and there is an additional round element overlaying the end of the line.

So try to select the arc-line joint with the mouse by spanning up a small area surrounding that joint. Here is an example:

enter image description here

You need to remove that additional element in order to get rid of the confirmation message.