Electronic – Altium Schematic Pin Grouping


I have a schematic symbol for a micro-controller (40pin) created by a different person. On their schematic, they have pins grouped together in specific order, for example, say pins 1, 5, 23 and 36 are together since they go off to one specific device, then pins 21, 28 and 30 are next, because they go off to a second device, and so on.

I want to configure the pin groups in a different way. How is this done?

I imagine I can edit the schematic drawing itself, and manually move the pins, but is there an alternative way to do this?


Best Answer

You will have to go into the schematic component library editor and move the pins (if you want to change the default grouping). Alternatively, if you only want to change it for one schematic, you can open the properties for the component (double-click on it) and uncheck "Lock Pins". This will allow you to move the pins around in the schematic, rather than the schematic library and all future parts created from it.