Electronic – Any programmable devices available for more modern languages


Pardon my naïveté, but it seems like most programmable devices (FPGAs, PLCs, PICs, etc.) are programmable using the C or C++ languages, or a variant of one of these. Are there any devices out there that use something like D, Mozilla Rust, or Google Go? I realize that the latter two, especially, are immature languages; but surely someone, somewhere has released an experimental product.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Best Answer

You don't need different devices to use these languages, you just need the appropriate software system.

The main issues why this is not done more often are:

  • These languages typically need more resources (memory, runtime) for the same task. For large volumes the reduced effort in programming would be more than offset by higher hardware costs.

  • Most higher-level languages need dynamic memory allocation with garbage collection, which is hard to do in a real-time setting.

  • It is harder to get embedded developers for these languages.

That said, there are such things as Real-Time Java, which are used in real embedded systems.

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