Electronic – arduino – 134.2 kHz RFID reader for Arduino


I am looking for an Arduino-compatible RFID reader supporting ISO 11784 & 11785, in order to read tags used for animals (mostly cats and dogs) identification.

I found both RMD660 and and Sniffer Nano v2.0 from ITead Studio, but they are out of stock. Is there any alternative?

The final goal is to build an intelligent cat door, that does not require adding a new RFID tag to my cat (he already had one implanted, and doesn't wear a collar).

Best Answer

I got a reader dirt cheap from Priority1 Design. There based in Australia but with shipping it only cost $61 ($43 for the reader + shipping). The electronics are exposed so I needed to make a custom case for it but it works great. They have readers for both 125 KHz and 134 KHz but both seem to read the 134 KHz chips fine. I get my RFID tags from Oregon RFID. Links below.

