Electronic – arduino – ATTiny85 and USB with Android


I have developed an Android app which talks to an Arduino Mega through USB.

The C code is 1.8kb and will fit on an ATTiny85 chip in order to shrink the circuit to almost nothing. The problem is…

How do I introduce USB to the circuit so I can still talk to it with the Android app?

Best Answer

Take a look at V-USB. I've used it with ATtiny85. It's essentially a firmware-only USB implementation for AVRs that don't have "built-in" USB.

The V-USB site also has a decent list of example projects you could use as a starting point. Not sure about how/if you can interface with android or not.

One thing to be aware of is their licensing model. You have to pick either GPL or commercial license. If you don't want to bother with adhering to GPL their commercial option has a "hobby" license for $9.90.