PT100 Temperature Sensor – Achieving Precise Readings


I am trying to get more precise temperature value from PT100 ( 2 wire ) sensor with Arduino.

Here's how my circuit looks like :


When the sensor is about 20 °C I get a value on A5 pin that is 432 and when the sensor is about 30 °C I get a value on A5 pin that is 440. As you can see this is a very small range ( 432 – 440 ).

I want a larger analog signal range, like from 100 to 1000.

Maybe I can somehow obtain the resistance of PT100 and with some math formula to get the temperature.

What can I do with my circuit to get a more precise temperature reading ?

Best Answer

You can use an external IC that takes care of reading the sensor and then get the result digitally, for example MAX31865

Maybe I could somehow obtain the resistance of PT100 and with some math formula get the temperature?

You can find resistance tables in internet , you can create a table in flash and use interpolation to calculate the temperature based on the resistance you get.