Electronic – arduino – Could a USB wifi dongle be used as an Arduino Wifi module

arduinousb devicewifi

I have seen many arduino compatible wifi modules that are rather expensive compared to some other types of modules. I am wondering what is the feasibility of using a consumer grade wifi usb dongle as a wifi module for an Arduino?

Take for instance this module. Is far cheaper than any of the arduino wifi modules. If it were possible to use one of these in my projects it would greatly reduce the cost of a wifi enabled projecct.

If something like that is possible what would be required to the two communicating?

Best Answer

Via USB? It would be difficult as you've been replied to. But, if the underlying device communicated on a hobby-friendly bus such as SPI or I²C, it would make things a lot more possible. Obviously, this would require in-depth knowledge of the hardware which would be impossible to come by and difficult to derive. In short: no; this is simply not worth the time and effort required and may not even be possible anyways.