Electronic – arduino – Design of circuit for controlling high power LEDs


Hello EE Stack Exchange!

I am a mechanical engineering student that needs some help with a circuit. I am have an extremely limited background in circuits so I have to apologize in advance for this question. This is the circuit I was able to get together to turn a light on and off using a transistor and relay:
Old Circuit

This is great and I think it would have worked but the requirements changed before I could test this. I now need 2 LEDs in parallel. This isn't ideal since I only have access to a power supply of 6v for two 3.3V LEDs in parallel. This is on a device that has a 6v power supply and a 3.3v arduino. Two LEDs in parallel can consume 1.4A to 2A at this voltage. What is the best option here for getting parts to support a circuit like this? Do I get a transistor like this? Do I need to change the circuit further?

Any help is appreciated.

Specific parts used in previous version are:

KEMET EC2-4.5NU Relay

LD1117V33 Linear voltage regulator


2N3904 Transistor

Best Answer

This circuit could do what you're looking for. It scraps the bulky relay and replaces it with a very cheap MOSFET transistor.

The central point is your 6 V driving these high-current LEDs with very short flashes from a battery. You haven't given actual timings for the pulse width, though it's likely to have been 5 ms or longer because of your relay switching time. But you might want it to be a lot shorter in the future one.

A 6 V to 2..3 A precision current-limited DC-DC converter could be used to get your LED's current most efficiently. However, that will draw a small standby current and you mentioned this being battery-powered. For the time being, I've shown 1 ohm series resistors from a 3.3 V nearly-3A starting point derived from the LED datasheet. These could be on all the time so are derated by about a third.

I don't know what your plans are but they sound experimental. You might want to build this and get some better data from trial of you application. You could go to a third generation once you have better timings and make more efficient use of LED power than dumping half of it in resistors like this.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Q1 is a MOSFET with logic-level drive capability. It can conduct 8.3 A of load when driven with 2.5 V min which suits your Arduino General-Purpose Output (GPO). The 8.3 A is plenty for your load, which I've shown as LED1 and LED2.

R1 limits the GPO current flow when charging and discharging the MOSFET's gate capacitance as GPO switches to high or low. R2 ensures that Q1's gate is pulled to an 'off' state when GPO is high impedance. This will be the case on power-up, until the Arduino is out of reset and software has set the I/O pin mode.