Electronic – arduino – Distance or length specification (or limit) of Arduino IO devices


I am using an ultrasonic sensor with Arduino. I also want the Arduino to turn on an LED bar graph strip to show a level.

But the issue is sensor needs to be placed very far (Around 100m) from the arduino, and also the bar graph led is also around 70-100m away from the Arduino. Arduino is placed in a control room with some other equipments. Will this distance have any impact on the operation or the performance of the siganl? if so how can I override it without moving the position of any of the items (Arduino, Sensor, LED graph). There is another output which is actually a 25A relay with coil voltage of around 24V which is also far from Arduino.

Best Answer

Actually, you should use multiple Arduinos (or microprocessors). One for the sensor, one for the bar led. And if the Arduino controlling the coil is at a different position use an Arduino for that one too.

All these Arduinos need to talk to each other. I assume you don't need much data to transport (or maybe you do, this depends on the frequency the sensor need to be read out).

If you are new to Arduino, split your project in parts:

  • Control with an Arduino the led graph
  • Control with an Arduino the sensor
  • Control with an Arduino the coil
  • Establish a (wireless) connection between two Arduinos
  • Implement the connection to all of them.

Anyway, you should find a way to let these Arduinos communicate. Since the distances are far, if you don't like wires, find an RF that might work. There are several frequency bands and transceivers (like nRF24L01 for 2.4 GHz, and others for sub 1 GHz bands). Each have their cons and pros. Note that 100 m is quite a distance, so using only an nRF24L01 without decent antenna might not work.

As seen in the comments (and above), you have to make a decision to use wired or wireless communication.

Pros for wired

  • More reliable (less interference)
  • Easier to implement (e.g. CAN, RS485)
  • You might have to spend tests what RF will work (best)

Pros for wireless:

  • No need to lay wires
  • Easier to change positions (in case cables need to be attached)
  • Less costly (no cabling)