Electronic – arduino – Flip the image of OLED 128×64 0.96 inch display


I am looking for a method to flip the image of an OLED 128×64 0.96 inch (with SSD1306 driver) display. It is the one I have with 4 pins only (image found on Internet):

OLED 128x64 0.96 inch

What I want to do is:

Diagram of flipping the image

Are there any currently possible ways to do this with an Arduino?

I saw on different forums that people are flipping their displays because of a library problem. Can I do that intentionally to achieve it?

I thought I could get every single pixel and position it again, but it would take up so much ram. If that is the only solution, could you please tell me how can I get the pixel, whether it is on or not, from Arduino?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

SSD1306 support display flipping (mirroring) - need only change in initialization: COMSCANDEC to COMSCANINC or vice verasa.


More info in datasheet and section: 10.1.14 Set COM Output Scan Direction (C0h/C8h)