Electronic – arduino – Have I missed something when connecting this stepper motor

arduinobreadboardstepper motor

I have an Arduino which I am using to control this stepper motor using a breadboard with this layout. I have the Arduino connected to my Mac and it successfully runs, but the "force" of the motor seems to be extremely weak. I have tried running the motor with different speeds but if I hold on to the wheel when its running, it does not manage to run around until I let go of it.

L293D datasheet

breadboard layout

Have I missed something in the schematics or when connecting the motor, or is this kind of stepper motor just very weak when it comes to thrust? Should stepper motors that are 100% working give more thrust than just barely touching it with my hand, it does not manage to spin?

When I test the current using a multimeter from the 5V on the Arduino it shows around 640 on the multimeter screen.

Best Answer

Looking at the product page, it's only a small motor with a holding torque of 150gfcm, or 2ozfin. If you compare that to this 12V 350mA stepper from the same site, which has a holding torque of 2kgfcm there is a considerable difference in power. So it sounds like it may be working fine, it's just not that powerful - 150gfcm should be quite easy to stop from turning.

Holding torque is basically how much weight, placed on a certain radius pulley/shaft is required to keep the motor from turning. Below shows a 100ozf*in motor:

Holding Torque

To test your motor, see if it can turn with up to 15g on a 10cm radius pulley (or a simple shaft with the 15g on the end) 15gf*10cm = 150gf*cm If you make the 15g able to slide along the shaft you can avoid having to change the weight.

Further reading