Electronic – arduino – How to charge Polymer Lithium Ion Battery that comes with the Lilypad Development Board


There is a Lithium Polymer Ion Battery that comes with the Lilypad Development Board from Sparfun. Does anyone know if the battery charges if we plug in the battery to the Lilypad Arduino and connect the Lilypad Arduino using the FTDI at the same time. The battery specifications are in the URL below:

Here is the link to the Arduino Board which takes power via the 6pin FTDI or via a LiPo battery connected to it: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10274

Best Answer

Yes, it will charge the battery. It has a MCP73831 Li-Ion charge controller IC for this purpose.

Note this refers to the Lilypad Arduino Simple board only (the one you link to) - the "Lilypad Arduino Main board" does not appear (from a quick look at a pic) to have anything in place for charging a battery.