Electronic – arduino – How to connect a Printer WIFI module wires to an Arduino


HP RSVLD-0608 Printer WIFI module with a BROADCOM BCM4326UKFBG

I’m a digital artist, found this HP printer on the street and wanted to use its components (motor etc.) on my projects.

I was wondering if any of you know if I can use this WIFI module to send/receive data from/to a PC through Arduino API. (I just want to connect it to an Arduino card and be able to receive the simple signals i.e.: High-Low / 0-1 from a PC)

If so, First I need to know how to connect the wires, specially the power (+how many volts?) and ground ones (I can test the rest and read them as inputs by Ardunio even though am not sure if it works!)

So I’d really appreciate if anyone can help me to figure out what’s what in these wires and how can I occupy data signals from a pc?

  • PS: as you see, one of the wires is soldered in a square form on the back of the PCB, is it a common sign of V or GRND in electronics, and does the standard color codes respected here or not? Thx again! 🙂

  • Found Can anyone locate specs on this wifi module? (if it helps)!

Best Answer

"Simple" is extremely hard these days. What you are looking at is a small computer in itself; the Broadcom chip (datasheet) contains an ARM processor and is an entire computer in itself to run the WiFi. The datasheet says that it speaks either SDIO or USB. The square pad on the board usually indicates pin 1, although that doesn't tell you what pin 1 means.

I would take a look at and probe voltages on the other end of the connection as well. I suspect that the black and red paired wires are power and ground, but we don't know what voltage. Either 3.3V or 5V are likely possibilities. Maybe one of each. Get it wrong and you'll destroy the board.

This page: http://wikidevi.com/wiki/Foxconn_U98H035 and the linked forum post confirm that it's USB, although infuriatingly neither page properly describe the pinout. It's basically identical to a cheap wifi USB dongle. Which is very little use with an Arduino.

Its approximate value is $25 as a spare from HP or $10 on ebay.

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