Electronic – arduino – How to use external power supply for Arduino Uno

arduinopower supply

Can I use an AC power adapter that can be connected through USB port? My board is Arduino Uno and usually connect to my computer through the USB cable.

AC power adapter <-> USB port <-(USB cable)-> Arduino USB port

What kinds of components can be used as external power supply for Arduino board? It's really nice if you have some images or names about them.

Best Answer

An Arduino Uno can be powered by

  • a stable (regulated) 5V DC, which you can either supply via the USB power lines, or via the shield connectors, or
  • an unregulated 6-20 V DC (7-12V recommended), which you can supply via the 2.1 mm centre-positive barrel plug connector.

I would not recommend using a 9V battery, because its voltage will drop quickly, but in a pinch this can be used.

ref: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardUno