Electronic – Arduino interface with I2C Pressure Sensor


I have a Honeywell ASDXRRX100PD2A5 I2C Pressure Sensor that I want to read using an Arduino.

Looking at the datasheet, I know that the I2C address is 0x28, and I have had a play with bits of code I've found on the internet, but none of them make any sense. Numbers do increase as I increase the pressure, but not on the scale shown on the datasheet.

Here is a link to said datasheet: http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/1676926.pdf

Here is a datasheet that has information about communicating with Honeywell sensors using I2C: http://sensing.honeywell.com/index.php/ci_id/45841/la_id/1/document/1/re_id/0

Without having much experience with I2C in the past it's hard for my to get my head around it.

Also, here is a picture of my setup:

My setup

The code I am using to test it out at the moment is as follows:

#define sensor 0x28 //Unique bus address 

void setup()
  Wire.begin();//Wakes up I2C bus 

void getdata(byte *a, byte *b)
  //Move register pointer back to first register
  Wire.requestFrom(sensor,2);//Sends content of first two registers
  *a = Wire.read(); //first byte recieved stored here
  *b = Wire.read(); //second byte recieved stored here

void showdata()
  byte aa,bb;
  float pressure =0;
  Serial.print("byte 1: ");Serial.println(aa,DEC);
  Serial.print("byte 2 ");Serial.println(bb,DEC);


void loop()

I am getting the following results at the following pressures:

0psi    byte1: 31
        byte2: 246

10psi   byte1: 34
        byte2: 102

20psi   byte1: 32
        byte2: 30

30psi   byte1: 39
        byte2: 167

Any help pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

What's wrong?

Sensor is differential, up to 100psi.
so \$P_{min}\$ is -100psi, \$P_{max}\$ is +100psi.
Total 14 bit (from 0 to 214-1),
\$P_{min}\$ is at 10%, so \$OUTPUT_{min}\$ is 1638
\$P_{max}\$ is at 90%, so \$OUTPUT_{max}\$ is 14745

from datasheet: $$ P=\dfrac{(OUTPUT - OUTPUT_{min}) \cdot (P_{max} - P_{min})} {OUTPUT_{max} - OUTPUT_{min}} + OUTPUT_{min}$$

  • your first \$OUTPUT\$ value is \$(31 \cdot 256) + 246 = 8182\$
    according to datasheet pressure is:
    $$\dfrac{(8182 - 1638) \cdot (100 - (-100))}{14745 - 1638} - 100 \approx -0.14496071$$
  • your second value is \$(34 \cdot 256) + 102 = 8806\$
    $$ \dfrac{(8806 - 1638) \cdot (100 - (-100))} {14745 - 1638} - 100 \approx 9.376669$$
    precision is not so good, but it is still acceptable
  • third value: \$(32 \cdot 256) + 30 = 8222\$
    $$\dfrac{(8222 - 1638) \cdot (100 - (-100))} {14745 - 1638} - 100 \approx 0.46540017$$
    something goes wrong, it isn't like 20psi, it is like 0psi.
  • fourth value: \$(39 \cdot 256) + 167 = 10151\$
    $$ \dfrac{(10151 - 1638) \cdot (100 - (-100))} {14745 - 1638} - 100 \approx 29.900053$$