Electronic – arduino – Phone RF Module Interfacing with an Arduino


A little while ago I desoldered a 900 MHz phone and its base's RF modules and was wondering if anyone could help me to interface them with an Arduino, or just help find a datasheet.

The numbers on the base's module are:

  • PQLZ10006ZBM
  • RU0903B15JBB
  • SS9951
  • S/N:0026130F
  • 1740M ABT

The numbers on the phone's module are:

  • PQLZ10005ZBM
  • RU0927H15JBB
  • SS9951
  • S/N:0037256A
  • 1740M ABT

Best Answer

Devin, you have definitely found modules that they do not put a datasheet out on. It may be because they are older though. I will look more, but I only found a tariff ruling which defines the devices as full duplex FM voice modulators. You may be able to learn a lot with a scope, or it may be a waste of you time.

I will look into it more, interesting part.