Electronic – Arduino pin descriptions


enter image description here

Hello, actually I am very new in electronics. Im using this as a reference in connecting lcd and 4×4 keypad in my my controller ( an arduino clone) Gizduino ATMEGA644 but I'm having a problem because of its pin different pin description.

enter image description here

When I tried connecting it the same with my reference (without looking at the pin description)I'm only having black box in the lcd after uploading a sample program. can someone help me?

this is the connection I used:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Where the sketch initialises the LiquidCrystal library, substitute the pin numbers you are actually using

LiquidCrystal lcd(13,12,11,10,9,8); // RS, Enable, D4,D5,D6,D7

The Arduino Uno in your Fritzing diagram has the following pinout

enter image description here

You GizDuino+ has

enter image description here

The usual LCD pinout is

enter image description here

So you are possibly using pins 8-13 instead of 0-5 (4 x data, enable, rs)

If you installed the gizDuino cores in the Arduino IDE, you should be using 8-13, the compiler will produce the correct code