Electronic – arduino – Software alert when doorbell rings. Doable


I am looking for a way to send alerts to my Linux laptop each time the doorbell rings to avoid those unpleasant times when a visitor ends up waiting minutes outside my door when I am alone and have headphones blasting full volume, rendering my doorbell-hearing powers useless :x.

Now, I am relative noob to all things electrical, which this project will most definitely involves. My brief search on Google indicated something called Arduino holds the key for me. So, would love some pointers as to whether such a thing is doable, and if yes, how should I proceed?

Best Answer

Take a 110/220 Vac small table lamp, or one of those with clips, that allow you to attach it to thin surfaces. Put it behind, or next to your laptop screen, so that you unavoidably see its light, when turned on. Take a pair of long wires, and connect the lamp in parallel with your doorbell (assuming it is mains powered). That should be the easiest :-)

Even if the actual solenoid is fed with a lower voltage, in many cases (in Spain, all the ones I know are like this) the pushbutton still switches on/off the mains voltage. So, take the voltage from the doorbell box, but from the primary winding of the transformer.

And, if the pushbutton switches a lower voltage, use a lower voltage lamp. The idea is the same.