Electronic – arduino – Using MOSFET as switch


I am new here so I apologize in advance for any mistakes in the way I am going about this. I had a question regarding a project that I am working on.

I am trying to use a MOSFET as a switch that I am able to control using the digital pins of the Arduino. The switch is meant to control a valve, so I would send HIGH to an Arduino pin and the valve would open. A diagram is below:

Diagram of circuit

Sorry if my diagram is unclear but I will try my best to explain the issue. The supply on the left is meant to represent an Arduino digital pin. The valve is an 8W 12V DC valve that has very simple operation. If its terminals are connected to a 12V DC supply, it opens otherwise it stays closed. Now in this schematic Vdd is 12V (positive terminal of supply) but when I set the Arduino pin connected to the gate to HIGH, nothing happens. I have done the exact same setup except with a LED and it works fine, I can set the pin to HIGH and the LED turns on as expected and turns off at LOW. But this is not true when I use the valve

The MOSFET model and datasheet is here: http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/149/FQU1N60C-246709.pdf

This exact same setup works with a LED. I am wondering what is the issue when I use the valve?

But was unable to use the info there to figure out the issue. I am wondering if it has something to do with the amount of current going through the valve, if that might be too low but I am not sure.

Thank you very much for all your help!

Best Answer

According to the mosfet's datasheet that you linked, the mosfet has a minimum S->D resistance of 11.5ohms (at 10V G->S). That, in series with the (calculated) 18ohm load of the valve: 12/(8/12), gives only ~7.3V across the switch, which could only push ~3W of power through an 8w switch, under "best case" conditions. In order to accomplish what you're wanting, you'll need a transistor with a lower saturated resistance, or you'll at least need to parallel >=2 of your current MOSFETs in order to lower the effective resistance.