Electronic – arduino – Watch Dog Timer + Arduino


How do I setup a hardware watch dog timer with an Arduino?

Best Answer

There are a number of dedicated hardware watchdog chips available, but it's easy enough to do using a regular 555 timer IC and a couple of supporting parts. With the 555 configured in astable mode with a very long "HIGH" period and a relatively short (perhaps 0.3 seconds) "LOW" period, the output can be connected to the Arduino's reset pin via a diode to make the watchdog an open-collector device. The Arduino can then periodically reset the watchdog using a digital output to turn on a transistor that discharges the timing capacitor attached to the 555, preventing it ever reaching a trigger point that will cause it to reset the Arduino.

Some basic information about a project to do this is available at http://www.practicalarduino.com/news/id/471