Electronic – arduino – Which hardware to measure velocity via string/wire wheel attatchment


This is a broad question but I want advice on what type of hardware I should look for to make a device that could measure the velocity of an object attached via a string/wire to some sort of rotary wheel.

The purpose of this is to attach it to a barbell and measure mean-velocity for weightlifting athletes.

I'm a software engineer by trade but know nothing about hardware. I'm hoping I can find something that would interface with arduino, as that would ease the learning curve.

As with such a broad question, I'm not looking for a solution, rather I would like to be pointed in the right direction.

Best Answer

You're best "out of the box" solution is probably a yo-yo potentiometer (also called a string pot). For example, http://www.firstmarkcontrols.com/, but there are both cheaper and more expensive versions.

You can certainly use an off the shelf encoder, but you'd have to rig up the mechanics on your own.